Monday, December 20, 2010

All About....Our New Home

 Good Morning :)
I am finally back....HURRAY!!
We have been without Internet for a month. ANNOYING!!!
Anyway.... Our move went great and we have settled into our new place and we LOVE it
It is fresh, easy and calm...weird to think i get all that from some walls but it is true.
Here is our favourite room, its the best.....

It looks pink but its not.

    And when we go for a walk down the street this is our view...

Ha ha! Sorry, that's my favourite view when walking.

This is the view!


  1. Wow what a gorgeous view, congrats on the move and getting internet back on!! :)

  2. Oh I am soooo happy to have you back. :) Have missed you and am glad to know that you and John are ok. :) Now all is well with the world again. lol

    Cheers Damaris

    PS Love the view also :)

  3. Ha ha Thanks :) so good to be back
