Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday- Update

Good Morning,
Another Sunday and another update.
We spent Saturday morning looking at places. Two were AWFUL, one was ok and one was PERFECT. Please send us as many positive vibes as possible.

1. Pay $2000 off CC

Total : $114.00

2. Go to South Australia for sister 18th (November 5th)

5 sleeps CANT WAIT

3. Finish my Cert 3 in childcare

On hold for the moment.

4. Save $1000 for movers and bond (November in Sydney and then again in 2011 for Adelaide which ill need more money for)
Total :$700.00

Have a wonderful day :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Working on....


Is how i am feeling right now.

Ok after writing the above line i thought "Oh shut up Nikki" and "Get a grip"

I awoke this morning thinking "Today i will use positive words and actions". This is how my day went

PW*: "I'm going to put on a calming CD to listen to while driving to work".
WH*: My old CD got jammed and now it wont play anything.

PW: "I'm going to call and see how the are going on letting us stay for 2 more weeks"
WH: "Sorry but we cant let you"

PW: I enquired about 7 places to inspect on Saturday
WH: An hour later i heard from 5 to say they have already taken applications so its not on

PW: I got paid today
WH: I brought a pack of MM's :)

Its a happy ending :)

Wish us luck tomorrow seeing the 2 places left :)

* PW means positive word or thought
* WH means what happened

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love The Universe

Well in my last post i was sulking..."Oh poor me".

So i went and clicked on an affirmation card.

Have a look at what i got:

Ha ha thanks for the reminder universe :)

Rambling on about- MOVING!!!

Oh why is moving so stressful!

We have had no luck with the landlord extending our stay. So in about 3 weeks we have to be out!!! NO FAIR!!! why did they have to sell? OK sulking time is over.

This Saturday we will be looking for places (in Sydney, as w have had no luck yet with Adelaide work). i tell you looking for a rental here in Sydney is just like being on the show "The Amazing Race". 12 other couples looking at the place and then everyone dashing off to the next one.

Keep your fingers crossed for us :) And wish us luck!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I love- Cheesefest

Almost two weeks ago we went to Adelaide for : Cheesefest 2010

Ah it was amazing! I wish i took lots of photos of the stands but sadly i sat down, a bottle of wine and food suddenly was there and i didn't move :)

I ate so much cheese i thought i was going to be sick and then drank enough wine to make me think " I am a awesome dancer, I'm so going to bust move".

Cheesefest cost $15 how cheap! Then wine is about $18-$34 a bottle, $6-$8 beer (expensive), and amazing food from $6-$20. What i love about it all is that you sit there sharing everything and hopefully its with people you like (lucky for me it was).

Our wine of choice

John beer of choice

Mmm chocolate waffles

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday- Changing my thinking on

How to deal with stress.

Old way: Freaking out and hiding

New way: Make a list

Now i make lots of lists but when i get really overwhelmed i hide :)

But we need to be out of our place by the 20th November and if anyone has tried to rent in Sydney you know why i would rather hide :)

This weekend we will be looking at places and finishing up packing what we can.

Monday, October 25, 2010

All About..... John

That beautiful man is my love....John.

So what can i tell you about him?

He is from South Africa (so he has that beautiful deep voice) and came to Australia almost 4 years ago. He is an industrial designer. And has just started doing web design

John is an amazingly talented artist/designer. His pictures/painting/furniture are AWESOME. But like all people who have a natural talent he just says "Oh its not that good".

A few random things about my love

* He slurps his tea

* He loves good food

*He is an amazing cook

*He is learning Japanese

*He likes to sing random songs and do little dances when getting ready for work

*He makes me smile

Love this man!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday- Update

Good Morning,

Well a busy day of packing is ahead of me :)

Here is an update on my end of year goals. Now due to my car all my totals have taken a hit :(

1. Lose 5 kilo

This is a goal i can happily say .... DONE :)

2. Pay $2000 off CC

Total : $107.00 (Stupid car)

3. Go back to South Australia for Cheesefest (October 17th)

Done and was awesome fun

4. Go to South Australia for sister 18th (November 5th)

12 sleeps

5. Finish my Cert 3 in childcare

Have 4 assignments and 2 online test to complete stage one :) Got an assignment back with credit :)

6. Save $1000 for movers and bond (November in Sydney and then again in 2011 for Adelaide)

Total :$300.00


Saturday, October 23, 2010

The week that.....

Made me say..... ENOUGH!!!!!

Now at the moment everything to me feels up in the air but i am hoping by the end of the day a clear plan will be written. That's just how i work. I NEED a checklist, a folder and a highlighter. Yes i know you cant plan life but like they say " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". For me nothing is too hard its just overwhelming! Being the zodiac sign of cancer, just like a crab i love to hide in my shell. But this is the time that i need me to just use the protective armour for getting things done.

So i strayed off topic (which I'm sure your all ready aware that is something i do)

We want to and are going to move back to Adelaide but how to start...well i will get back to you on that.

So the week (and a bit ) that was.....

10th of October- We went to the Sydney Fish Markets with friends (visiting from South Africa) we had a lovely time until it came to paying for parking ...2 hours $28 dollars oh that is bargain!!!!

11th of October- Went into work and was told they will no longer be needing me to do extra shifts in the new year as i am not allowed to work over the 30 hours I'm contracted for.

12th of October- Went into second job only to find they cancelled the shift but didn't bother to tell me...thanks

13th of October- Sat in traffic for 50 mins only to then have the clutch in my car go. $864.00 later

14th of October- Was told our rates (at work) are changing so ill be earning $0.98 cents less an hour and that they are still sorting out my super (Ive been there a year!!!)

15th of October- John receives $174 fine because he was not parallel parked. I will point out there is actually no sign saying you had to be and NONE of the other cars were either.

16th  of October -AWESOME flew to Adelaide

17th of October- AWESOME cheesefest

18th of October- I picked up DP from work (in the city) google said 30 minutes ...Sydney time 2 hours!!!

19th of October - We deiced after a year of traffic, over 20 grand in RENT!!!, never getting ahead, rude people we have had enough and want to move back to Adelaide.

20th of October- Tree falls on power line takes 3 hours to get to work!

21st of October- Get a lovely note saying. We have sold the unit and you have 30 days to leave.Even though the whole time they have told us "No to worry, you'll be able to stay on"

Ok this seems like "oh your just being a sook" BUT this is pretty much our week by week living. Of course its not always a car problem but its ALWAYS something.

Now i know life will kick you in the guts no matter where you are BUT the thing that is missing from this is being able to call up a mate and say "God what a day, fancy a wine?" and then seeing someone beautiful face of friendship. I miss being surrounded by love. We are both so lucky we have people who love us for being us, its rare to find. Here I've just been told "Your so loud" , "why do you were op shop clothes, are you broke?" " Your air fairy ways wont work here" "why are you laughing?" HONESTLY!!!

Anyway I'm not really sure what the point of this post is but i guess we will just have to see how things unfold :)

Back to my new format tommorow ...update on my goals :)

Thanks for reading. Much love xoxo

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hello :)

Hi All,

Been all over the shop (why did i just say that?) Last week was a week that was sent to test me!!!! Will post more i promise.

Im so tired and feelings are again all over the shop (???)

Here is a little pic from cheesefest :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


i havent made anything today.

We have guest at the moment and we seem to just be eating nibbles and crap :)

Friday, October 8, 2010



A glass in my hand, a good book or movie and i am in heaven.

But its to foggy head i cant stand the next day. I get one if i have more then two glasses. Also i cant stand the extra weight it brings to my waist.

I have come to realise its a mind set for me...i make a glass of wine equal feeling relaxed. Over the last 2 months i have really challenged this way of thinking. Now its being in my PJ means its time to relax...ah so much better for the bank balance and the waist line :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rambling on about- Rewards

Monkey went and brought me a REWARD for all my hours of study.

He honestly is the most thoughtful man. He came home and said "Here you go" and passed me a bag, inside where the above items :)

Nescafe Cappuccinos...LOVE as they remind me of my mum and sister.

Pantene- LOVE because i NEVER buy it as it cost more then $4.95.

Cosmo- I honestly can not remember the last time i read this magazine BUT i  LOVE that Monkey picked it out because "It was the brightest one there" him!!!

For those who don't know me well yet...please don't think i love it because its stuff (i do love presents don't get me wrong). I love it because i was thought of. Lets face it, in a world were people are so quick to judge and put you down , to know you got someone who will think "What can i do to let them know I'm proud?" ...ah its a lovely thing.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I love-Mini Shopahoic by Sophie Kinsella

Today is Wednesday...Things i love.

I have just finished the latest in Sophie Kinsella -Confession of a shopaholic series.

I loved it.

I'm a sucker for a chick book and especially if it comes in a series. I love to get to know my characters and then follow them. (Not like I'm a weird stalker type).

The main character is called Becky Bloomwood. This has to be one of the funnest characters i have read in a long time. I actually laugh out loud. She loves to shop and this gets her in trouble.

If you have ever brought anything just because its on special or ever hidden a bill...this series is for you.

Pick it up from  free delivery...AWESOME site

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday- I changed my thinking on..... Study.

Old thinking : I CANT STAND IT!!!

New thinking : I WILL MAKE IT FUN

I have thought lots about it and why I have such a problem with it. My answer is : I have never made it fun, never made it seem like this is something amazing that i am doing for myself like say exercise.

This all changed a week and 2 days ago....... I woke up and thought “I want to study and when I finish this assignment I am going to eat fish and chips on the beach”. And that’s what I did! Over the last week I have set mini goals and rewards for every single test, reading and assignment . They are not all big rewards like fish and chips but i had to do something big for the first one. Some of my rewards include:

• 30 minutes of guilt free reading

• 30 minutes of guilt free computer

• A nap

• A good coffee

• Skype chat

• Daydreaming

• Cuddles with Monkey

• Watching a show or movie guilt free
(Can you see a guilt free theme)

For the last year every spare moment I have had i have felt guilty about not studying.....What a wasted emotion!!
Another “oh yeah” moment was I let go of it having to be perfect. I am a student which means I am learning and then I show I have gained an understanding of the subject through test and assignments. Why did i get it in my head that I had to get scores of 100%??

Anyway here is a picture of a few of today study notes .....Don't you just love my system :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday - All about....ME!

Ok so here is my first post in Monday theme.

All about : Nikki (that's little old me)

I go by many names Nik, Nikki, Nikstar and Nikki-Noo and DP calls me Stick. I'm 29 and i am looking forward to turning 30.
Why you ask? Just like everyone my 20's have been the best of times and the worst of times (thanks Charles Dickens, actually did he say that?). I'm hoping that i will be able to apply what i have learnt from these experiences into my 30's.

I spent 1 and a half years living in London. It taught me alot and i am sure there will be many a rambling post about those adventures :) Right now i live in the Northern Beaches NSW.Its a beautiful place but wow do we pay to live here. I moved here almost a year ago because my lovely Monkey (John) got a job here and i decided to move with him. Again this has taught me alot as i found it really hard to begin with.

I am the eldest of 4 and have two brothers (Joel & Mike) and a sister (Tessa). Let me brag for a second (please), i am one of those lucky people who actually get along with their siblings. We all actually enjoy each others company. They all live in Adelaide so i miss them all the time. Speaking of missing people i have a beautiful mum (Denise) who has just started a blog please check it out. My mum and I are best friends and i am so happy to now have Skype so we can chat. My dad (Luke) is what i like to say is the original Dr Do Little this man has a real gift with animals, which I'm sure my step mum (Lyn) over the years has thought "oh why??" as he will bring home any animal that is sick. My step mum brought me my first Harry Potter book for which i will always be thankful :) . You will find out over time i have a slight obsession with all things HP, hey i cant help it! Its my thing....(actually i have quite a few things). I'm lucky to have all my grandparents but 1 and enjoy writing letters to them. There is something about a fresh piece of paper that brings me happiness (am i creeping you out by my weirdo ways?)

Friends as time goes on you realise what it means to have a friend and what it means to be a friend. I'll go into more details about them when i post about them. If you know what i mean.

How i make my money. I'm a Childcare Assistant. I love working with children and their families. I feel very lucky that i have found an area i enjoy working in. If I'm honest (which i am and sometimes to a fault) working in a childcare centre is not my dream job but working with children is. So i need to get my diploma so i can move into more of a community/children's role. Like what i was doing in Adelaide that was my ideal field. (and where the pic was taken)

My love....John is the sweetest most beautiful man. I honestly will write lots about love not just ours but all types of it. As i am the most girly girl you will come to know and when it comes to love i just love LOVE :)

Some random things about me....

My favourite colour is Yellow

I dip my chocolate in a cup of tea

I leave tea bags in the sink

I leave peanut paste on the knife and the lid off.

I will cry at the drop of a hat

I will laugh at you if you fall over in front of me

That's it for now. Feel free to ask any questions

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who I am....

Just writing the above 3 words make me giggle. I am going to be 30 next year but I still think....”When I grow up”.

It only far to share more about myself and it is something I will do over a series of post. I want to start doing a post everyday but with themes so for example:

Sunday- Update goal day

Monday- All about me. Plus friends and family

Tuesday- Challenge/ Celebrations. Trying something new or getting new ideas, challenge the way I think or sharing celebrations

Wednesday- What I love. Books, movies, places, things

Thursday- Rambles (whatever pops to mind)

Friday- Money or Health. Both the things I'm always working on....

Saturday – Food. Need I say more...yum :)

Rough idea

Now please don't think the above picture is how Monkey and I how pose everyday. This was a photo taken by a friend of Monkey called Karen she does some amazing shots and when her site up and running i will share :)

Ok I'm going to include a shot of what Monkey and I really pose like in photos....

Sunday is update goal day :)

Good Afternoon,

Wow what a week. Will post more about what has been happening.

But since it is Sunday its time to update and let you know how im going. Wih only 13/12 weeks till the end of the year i need to stay focused and on task. We have a busy few months ahead. (i promise another post will be about that)

1. Lose 5 kilo

I have lost 3 YAY!!!

2. Pay $2000 off CC

Total : $484.47

3. Go back to South Australia for Cheesefest (October 17th)

14 sleeps and $60 saved

4. Go to South Australia for sister 18th (November 5th)

34 sleeps and $50 saved

5. Finish my Cert 3 in childcare

This week have done 3 online test and hours of reading.

6. Save $1000 for movers and bond (November)

Total :$150.00

Im rather pleased with how they are going ,makes me feel like 2010 hasnt been a waste of a year. But it is still a year i cant WAIT to say goodbye too :)