Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who I am....

Just writing the above 3 words make me giggle. I am going to be 30 next year but I still think....”When I grow up”.

It only far to share more about myself and it is something I will do over a series of post. I want to start doing a post everyday but with themes so for example:

Sunday- Update goal day

Monday- All about me. Plus friends and family

Tuesday- Challenge/ Celebrations. Trying something new or getting new ideas, challenge the way I think or sharing celebrations

Wednesday- What I love. Books, movies, places, things

Thursday- Rambles (whatever pops to mind)

Friday- Money or Health. Both the things I'm always working on....

Saturday – Food. Need I say more...yum :)

Rough idea

Now please don't think the above picture is how Monkey and I how pose everyday. This was a photo taken by a friend of Monkey called Karen she does some amazing shots and when her site up and running i will share :)

Ok I'm going to include a shot of what Monkey and I really pose like in photos....

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