Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday- I changed my thinking on..... Study.

Old thinking : I CANT STAND IT!!!

New thinking : I WILL MAKE IT FUN

I have thought lots about it and why I have such a problem with it. My answer is : I have never made it fun, never made it seem like this is something amazing that i am doing for myself like say exercise.

This all changed a week and 2 days ago....... I woke up and thought “I want to study and when I finish this assignment I am going to eat fish and chips on the beach”. And that’s what I did! Over the last week I have set mini goals and rewards for every single test, reading and assignment . They are not all big rewards like fish and chips but i had to do something big for the first one. Some of my rewards include:

• 30 minutes of guilt free reading

• 30 minutes of guilt free computer

• A nap

• A good coffee

• Skype chat

• Daydreaming

• Cuddles with Monkey

• Watching a show or movie guilt free
(Can you see a guilt free theme)

For the last year every spare moment I have had i have felt guilty about not studying.....What a wasted emotion!!
Another “oh yeah” moment was I let go of it having to be perfect. I am a student which means I am learning and then I show I have gained an understanding of the subject through test and assignments. Why did i get it in my head that I had to get scores of 100%??

Anyway here is a picture of a few of today study notes .....Don't you just love my system :)

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